Jude and Ray

Welcome to our world!! We will share with you the mundane events, the run up to our wedding and our years of married life. NEWS FLASH!!!! Now share the story of our move to Oz and all that happens over there.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another update on the two mums

As you may remember Ess was supposed to be having her rescheduled surgery on Monday 22nd Jan - well we are gobsmacked to report that yet again it has been cancelled. Words cannot describe our distress over this - she has now been given a new date of Feb 26th. Ess actually told the Consultant that she was going to pull out from having the op as she couldn't cope with the stress of it all - he was emphatic that she needed the op and mustn't pull out. Well then why isn't she having it?!?!?! Anyway she has agreed to remain on the list and take each day as it comes and try to make the most of each day. Please keep Ess and Ray in your thoughts and prayers.

Ray's mum, Edie, has been moved to a short term nursing home. She is making remarkable progress and we hope she will be home within a couple of weeks.


  • At 8:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can sympathise with the hospital stuff... Dad to emergency 9 am last Fri, with unsure stroke or epileptic seizure, hadn't seen a Doc by about 2pm, and finally admitted to a ward about 8pm.


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