Jude and Ray

Welcome to our world!! We will share with you the mundane events, the run up to our wedding and our years of married life. NEWS FLASH!!!! Now share the story of our move to Oz and all that happens over there.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Two weeks in Perth

Well our previous post showed family celebration for dad's 83rd birthday - sadly a few days after that event he was rushed into hospital in the early hours of the morning. He is still in hospital 9 days later but we are pleased to report he is making very good progress and hopefully will be discharged some time this week.
Although most of our time has been spent visiting dad and supporting mum we have managed to fit in getting registered with Medicare, equivalent to NHS in the UK, getting our Aussie drivers licences, viewing some rental properties and Jude has been going through the process of obtaining work with the WA Police. To get permanency she has to go through the advertised route and apply that way - a formality really but still nerve wracking - she has passed the phone interview and on Wednesday attends an assessment day. The job starts on the 11th August so plenty of time to get other things sorted.
Friday night saw us having dinner with Kathy and Michael which was great fun and a lot of laughter. Today, Sunday, we took off in Ray's 4x4 Nissan Patrol to give it a good work out and to visit an area he has never been to before. We drove down south to a place called Bunbury - it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day and we took the dogs with us too. We walked along the coast, had a picnic by the beach and had a very relaxing day. The 4x4 behaved very well and Ray was in his element - part of the aussie dream became a reality.


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