Jude and Ray

Welcome to our world!! We will share with you the mundane events, the run up to our wedding and our years of married life. NEWS FLASH!!!! Now share the story of our move to Oz and all that happens over there.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fire fire everywhere........

Sat 4th November I had to work 10pm to 6am - not knowing how difficult it would be to get into work in Lewes due to their mammoth bonfire celebrations, I left home early at 9pm. However the traffic was kept to a minimum and I had no difficulty getting into Police HQ - but if the size of the crowds I saw was anything to go by I was going to be in for a very long and busy night at work. I was in the middle of taking a call from an officer when the main firework display near HQ began and it was deafening to say the least! We all imagined this is what it must sound like in a war zone. At 2350hrs I took a call from a member of the public who had his car damaged by a stray firework - I took his details and told him I would ring him back in 10 minutes after completing the report - unfortunately it was to be another hour before that happened. "Fire, theres a fire downstairs!" called out our supervisor and then the fire alarms sounded - so we all up sticks and left the building to stand outside in the carpark in the freezing cold. Within minutes the fire brigade turned up with lights flashing and sirens blairing - not one tender but two!! Whooppee, look at those firemen! Then about 10 minutes later we saw a woman in civillian clothes talking to a fireman - she came over to us and said "Everyone make your way to the bar and the drinks are on the house!!!" Well we didn't need telling twice and made our way to the bar at Police HQ - where I can assure you we all imbibed on soft drinks only! (Honestly, would I a member of the Police staff lie to you!) Finally at 0100hrs we were let back into the building and back to work we went -no fire was found fortunately but it certainly livened up the night!


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