Jude and Ray

Welcome to our world!! We will share with you the mundane events, the run up to our wedding and our years of married life. NEWS FLASH!!!! Now share the story of our move to Oz and all that happens over there.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Furniture arrived!!

Almost 2 months to the day, our worldly goods from the UK were
delivered to our new home in Waikiki. The delivery guys were excellent
and unloaded, unpacked and set up the furniture all within 2 hours.
There were only 2 minor items damaged - Ray's badminton racket was
buckled and there was a very very minor tear on the settee. None of the
glassware/crockery was cracked and a very special mirror belonging to
Ray's mum also arrived safely and is now hanging pride of place in the lounge.
The pictures show Ray with the mirror and tapping the barometer which used to hang in the hallway of his mum's house. He always tapped it when he was over visiting Mum. Our LCD tv looks very tiny in this room and Ray is itching to get a 42" tv - get a job Ray!!!! The other 2 pics show the kitchen/dining/family room and the games room. (IF YOU CLICK ON THE PICS THEY WILL ENLARGE)


  • At 9:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    daddy always tapped it at nans house...i remember that!....and nanny would love where you have put her mirror! makes it like home .....good one pop! xx


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