Jude and Ray

Welcome to our world!! We will share with you the mundane events, the run up to our wedding and our years of married life. NEWS FLASH!!!! Now share the story of our move to Oz and all that happens over there.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wife goes to work while husband fishes!!

Jude has finished her first week at the WA Police Assistance Centre and yes she will go back for a second week at least!!!! The work is very similar to the job at Sussex Police but different computer systems and different procedures and policies. The people seem very friendly and helpful and like a laugh. Sadly Ray didn't get the job he applied for but there are a few more he is waiting to hear back from. He has been a real gem and cooked dinner each night, done the housework and all the washing and ironing - maybe he should become a house husband!! However he wants that boat so he NEEDS that job!!The weekend has been relaxing and thought you would enjoy the photo of the sunset from when we went fishing late this afternoon.


  • At 1:09 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    Glad to hear your new job is going well. Hope Ray finds something that suits him. But hey--there's nothing wrong with being a domestic engineer!!!


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